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Customers | Experts | Industries

Achieve Higher Marks on the FITARA Scorecard with Zerto

Achieve Higher Marks on the FITARA Scorecard with Zerto

September 30, 2020

Congress passed the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) in 2014. The act was meant to improve technology implementations in federal agencies with the following core objectives: Decrease costs Improve efficiencies by streamlining purchasing Reduce duplicative spending and unused capacity The law has produced positive results, with some agencies achieving improved measurable outcomes. The […]

Achieving High Availability for Federal Agencies in a Time of Unprecedented Demand

Achieving High Availability for Federal Agencies in a Time of Unprecedented Demand

May 6, 2020
Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Federal agencies are facing extraordinary demands on their IT systems. To serve citizens and communities effectively, they are expected to remain available 24/7, compliant to security and data protection standards, and prepared to face increasingly severe cyberattacks. Meeting these demands means that having resilient systems is more critical for federal agencies than ever before. An unexpected event, like the pandemic the world is facing right now, increases the challenge of staying ahead of IT demands.   So how do federal agencies […]

Avoid Healthcare IT Disasters – Protect More Than Patients. Protect Your Business.

Avoid Healthcare IT Disasters – Protect More Than Patients. Protect Your Business.

October 24, 2019

Digital disruption in healthcare is moving fast. Data in EMR systems, billing systems, telemedicine, care collaboration notes and research studies are growing exponentially, making it challenging to quickly find and tap into the right data to reach the best diagnosis and care plan for the patient. In addition to the sheer volumes of growing data, […]

TaxSlayer Simplifies Data Protection with Zerto’s Consolidated DR and Backup Solution

TaxSlayer Simplifies Data Protection with Zerto’s Consolidated DR and Backup Solution

September 12, 2019

TaxSlayer, a leading online and professional tax and financial company, based in Augusta, GA, strives to make life simpler and less stressful for millions of Americans with their easy-to-use tax preparation software. The information technology team at TaxSlayer is committed to IT resilience as the foundation of exceptional customer experiences. TaxSlayer’s priority to deliver “always-on” […]

Zerto Keeps City of Tyler Blooming with IT Resilience

Zerto Keeps City of Tyler Blooming with IT Resilience

May 7, 2019

Nestled in the Piney Woods of East Texas between Dallas and Shreveport, Louisiana, Tyler  is home to more than 100,000 citizens and serves as the county seat of Smith County, which covers another 940 miles. The City of Tyler CIO, Benny Yazdanpanahi, leads an IT team that keeps the city running 24/7 with services for public […]

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