Migration & Data Mobility - Page 2 of 2 - Zerto

Migration & Data Mobility

Remove Brexit Uncertainty with Simple Portability

Remove Brexit Uncertainty with Simple Portability

September 29, 2016

Now that the UK has decided to leave the EU, many companies are trying to prepare for the impact. There are so many unknowns at this point and many companies are in a holding pattern. The problem is, going into a holding pattern can put your revenue generation in a holding pattern as well. The […]

DR 101: Checklist for Virtualized Infrastructure Migrations

DR 101: Checklist for Virtualized Infrastructure Migrations

August 17, 2016

By Harry Smith, Technical Evangelist at Zerto After going through a million-and-one migrations – both manually and with the help of tools –and having encountered many roadblocks and situations in which I’ve learned from, I can say YES, using Zerto with your migration(s) will make your life SO much easier. However, that alone still isn’t […]

Building a Scalable Infrastructure

Building a Scalable Infrastructure

May 6, 2016

Guest Post by Bob Lanning, Sr. Infrastructure Engineer at Premier, Inc. At Premier, we are currently protecting and managing hundreds of VMs and TBs of storage – and the environment is only growing. Automation is becoming more and more important to us to ensure we are able to effectively manage the environment. With Zerto’s Virtual […]

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