• This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated May 24, 2019 by Justin N.

change sizing of protected VM

  • Got an interesting situation. Customer of mine powered down a Zerto protected VM, added CPU, RAM and a new disk, and now its getting all sorts of errors in VMware, in-guest and in Zerto.

    VMware: A specified parameter was not correct: path Registering Virtual Machine on destination host.

    In-guest disk manager: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

    Zerto: [VM-name] [disk-name].vmdk cannot be synced because there are IO errors.

    Based on VMware and the guest not liking the change, it seems like that is where the problem lies, and Zerto is just reacting to an upstream error.

    But just wanted to check that Zerto doesnt care about resizing VM’s after they are protected?

    Thanks for any help.

    Hey Brad,

    You are correct, Zerto has replicated all of the new VM hardware settings and so the replica VM has the same issue as the source VM. You can definitely make changes to the settings of VMs once they have been protected. Thanks,


    I am seeing same error – Zerto: [VM-name] [disk-name].vmdk cannot be synced because there are IO errors. I tried removing it from VPG and protecting again but same error . Source machines has no errors, its running fine

    Thanks in advance for any help

    I am also seeing same error – Zerto: [VM-name] [disk-name].vmdk cannot be synced because there are IO errors. Source machines has no errors and its running fine. Can someone provide a solution to this. Thanks!!!!


    Hello – I would recommend clicking the link on the alert in the future to be directed to your ZVM’s local online help which will give generic details from the documentation including a possible cause and possible resolution section. Here is a link to that specific alert from the online documentation hosted on the technical  documentations section of MyZerto: http://s3.amazonaws.com/zertodownload_docs/Latest/Zerto%20Virtual%20Replication%20Zerto%20Virtual%20Manager%20%28ZVM%29%20-%20vSphere%20Online%20Help/index.html#page/ErrorsGuide%2FAlerts_ALL.2.118.html

    Having said that, if you are still experiencing issues and cannot resolve, the next best step would be to contact Zerto support either via the in-ZVM case opening feature or by logging a case via MyZerto. — Justin

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