- This forum has 659 topics, 1,236 replies, and was last updated December 7, 2020 by
Nana A.
- Support Q & A
Support Feedback
We’ve created a community space where we can post updates, share our evolving vision for improving Zerto Support, and discuss our plans to continually progress toward that ideal. If you have feedback on the new Support Community or other support offerings please give us your feedback in this forum. This is not meant for feedback […]
People: 3
Replies: 3 - August 29, 2019
Zerto Online Services Connector Service
What function does this service give? I thought it was to have the ability to gather/submit logs remotely, but do not recall specifically. Please advise
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 11, 2020
Replicate to Cloud and Self
I have a VPG that’s currently being replicated to the cloud but I also want to replicate it to a local host. Both hosts are under the same vCenter. How can I accomplish this? Can I use the ‘Replicate to Self’ option and get the same VPG to replicate to a second location (local)? Do […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 10, 2020
Zerto with Viptela
Are there any best practices for using Zerto with Vipela/Cisco SD-WAN? I am seeing disconnects/reconnects from the Zerto Manager I am assuming because it is traversing different paths. While this is not causing any major issues I am just wondering if I should modify my configuration to be more resilient to the path changes. Thanks […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 10, 2020
Commit(or Rollback) at once
If I doing Live-failover, can I commit(or rollback) at once for multiple VPGs?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - November 30, 2020
Is HP Simplivity supported by Zerto.
We are looking at putting HP simplivity in some of our smaller sites. Wanting to know if Zerto has any issues with it.
People: 5
Replies: 4 - November 25, 2020
Zerto Journal data move
I was curious what would happen if I decided to move my Journal datastore location. Currently the every thing is pointing the same datastore and I am considering breaking it out. Would it just move the journal data to the new location? Thanks.
People: 5
Replies: 4 - November 18, 2020
Zerto 8.5 Release notes – known issues – vsphere
• Datastores which are used by Zerto must not contain special characters in their names. It doesn’t specify which special characters. Can someone confirm? are dashes and underscores OK as all our datastores use these and have not had any issues prior.
People: 6
Replies: 5 - November 16, 2020
Managing Retention Sets
I’m using the Manage Retention Sets option to remove older retention sets in version 8.5. I’m utilizing an Exagrid NFS share for the retention sets. My Exagrid retention zone was 100 percent full and the landing zone was about 11 percent occupied, hence the need to reduce the number of retention sets. I deleted 36 […]
People: 3
Replies: 3 - November 16, 2020
Migrating VM's from one DC to another using zerto
We need to permanently move 2 VMware VM’s from one DC to another and we cannot vMotion them according to our offshore VMWare team. Our previous on-site engineers used Zerto to migrate servers but left no documentation on the process before they were out sourced by our top notch off shore team. I’ve been involved […]
People: 6
Replies: 5 - November 2, 2020
Single vCentre site to host onprem and offsite
Hi, I only have one vCenter with production environment, but have two separate datastores for Zerto – how can I set up onsite and offsite capability so that each uses different datastore within one vCenter cluster? I can install two ZVM’s on one VMware environment, assign them one of dedicated datastores and deploy separate VRA’s […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - October 30, 2020
Advanced Threat Protection on Zerto Azure Storage
I noticed that we are incurring high costs on our Zerto Azure storage account related to Advanced Threat Protection. Can you tell me if this feature is supposed to be turned off? I am having trouble finding details about this in the Zerto Virtual Replication Azure Enterprise Guideline
People: 2
Replies: 2 - October 30, 2020
Zerto intra-site components – AES256?
Zerto hardening doc mentions encryption and https between the intra-site components. Is this AES-256 (better is ok also!)
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 30, 2020
Minimum vCenter edition for DraaS – 170727
hi guys we are DraaS provider I would like to know what is the minimum vCenter version that a customer needs to have? We have Enterprise Plus and I know the customer does not need to match our version or edition but what is the minimum I see all over vCenter is needed always but […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 28, 2020
Zerto7.5U1 support for EXSi7U1
Does Zerto7.5u1 support ESXi7U1? When will it be supported?
People: 2
Replies: 2 - October 26, 2020
EclinicalWorks and Zerto?
Has anyone been successful deploying Zerto with EclinicalWorks? (ECW)
People: 2
Replies: 5 - October 21, 2020
Support Feedback
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