• This forum has 659 topics, 1,236 replies, and was last updated December 7, 2020 by Nana A.
    • Support Q & A
    • Zero to migrate VMs between two vcloud enviroments

      We have used zerto in the past to migrate VMs between vcloud environments. We are in the process of planning another migration and in this case the customer has 6-7 Oracle DB vms. Is there anything that should be taken into consideration when failing over Oracle DB VMs? Is there a recommended process? Thanks

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • October 30, 2019
    • Changing VRA VMs destination location

      I wanted to know the process of removing a set of VRA VMs from the destination vSphere location and then run through the process of deploying them again. There are VMs that are currently configured on these already so didn’t want to cause any issues. Why? Because the Destination hardware is Nutanix and we need […]

    • People: 5
      Replies: 5
    • October 30, 2019
    • SQL Express Update

      Hello, We are running Zerto v6 update 3, which includes SQL 2014 Express. Our security requirements are mandating that we patch the SQL instance with 2014 Express SP2. Is it possible/supportable to patch the SQL server without upgrading the Zerto version? We will be updating Zerto down the road, but the security requirements for SQL […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 3
    • October 30, 2019
    • Failed-over VM's boot 10hrs into the future

      Aloha, Title says it all – I failover a VM and it boots 10hrs ahead of local time. Once failed over I can login to domain and that’s what confuses me. Time should be coming from domain controller. Zerto is the newest and hosts are fully patched 6.7 U3. Bill

    • People: 2
      Replies: 2
    • October 30, 2019
    • ESXi host Upgrades

      We will be performing upgrades to our Protected site ESXi hosts. Would request how we should configure or handle the VRA’s on the host during the process. Will a complete pause in replication be a best practice? If so, please advise/confirm how and where this would be performed. Site or VPG level?

    • People: 2
      Replies: 1
    • October 29, 2019
    • Zerto Repository

      I need to be able to identify the backup folders on the Repository to the corresponding VM. How can I do this?

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • October 28, 2019
    • Licensing – tracking VMs

      posted on behalf of Peter W. If we have 2 separate setups using the same license. How does it keep track of how many VM’s have been used of the license? If we use the same license in setup 1 and setup 2, how does it know about the VM usage in the other setup?

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • October 28, 2019
    • de-duplication on NTFS

      A user uploaded a bunch (perhaps several hundred megabytes of similar PDF files — drawings) today that may have caused a massive uptick in journal changes. My hypothesis is that the de-duplication on NTFS was creating a lot of extra writes. But I saw a 300 GB growth but there were not that many files. […]

    • People: 3
      Replies: 2
    • October 28, 2019

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