- This forum has 659 topics, 1,236 replies, and was last updated December 7, 2020 by
Nana A.
- Support Q & A
Is NAT supported with Zerto in AWS?
We would like to use a NAT to get around the IGW in AWS requirement. Meaning, bringing it from the internet, on-prem then into AWS. Is this supported now and if not, what release is expected to support this and when? Thanks in advance!
People: 4
Replies: 5 - September 12, 2019
Zerto upgrade question
Hello, Should we take a snapshot of the VRA’s prior to the upgrade as well, or just the VM’s where the Virtual Manager is installed? Thanks, Ron N
People: 2
Replies: 2 - September 12, 2019
Zerto – Zerto
I need to create a DR of a DR. Can I use Zerto to replicate Zerto. Can I Zerto a single VM to multiple targets ? Can I bring up a replicated VRA via NFS onto a new ESXi host and it work ?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
Zerto Upgrade
We’d like to update our Zerto Software which is currently running at 5.5 build 7. Can you please advise what version we can upgrade to and if we need to perform step upgrades to get to final version? We currently use VMWare vSphere 6.5, ESXi Host 6.0 U3e and ESXi Host 6.5 U1g. We have […]
People: 3
Replies: 3 - September 11, 2019
Manual Checkpoint Creation
Posted on behalf Adrienne A. We would like additional information on how to create manual checkpoints. -How are they created? -Can they be scripted? -What benefit do they provide us?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
Intel to AMD
We will be changing our DR servers from Intel CPU’s to AMD. Are there any considerations on the Zerto side that I need to be aware of?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
Function question
Posting this on behalf of YoungChul.H 1. Is there a support direction for redundancy solutions using RDM? (RAC, ASM, VCS … etc) 2. If I change the redundancy solution using RDM to VMDK format (multi-writer) and create a VPG, can it be consistent? Writing occurs in different VMs by VMDK’s share method(I don’t expect) 3. […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
Is Cisco FirePower Compatible with Zerto?
I need to know the compatibility with Zerto and Cisco FirePower.
People: 1
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
HW & vSphere upgrade -on behalf of Peter P.
Hello, We’re planning major hardware upgrade in our DR environment. We will replace our current 2 blades (vSphere 5.5) with a new 2 blades (vSphere 6.7). We will be using vmotion for VMs migration from the old into a new blades/hosts. Question: If we will use vmotion to migrate VMs from the old into a […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 11, 2019
Long Term Retention
We would like to test the long term retention functionality, but we get a message that we are not licensed for it. Do we need a different license?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 10, 2019
We would like to upgrade to the latest version
We would like to upgrade to the latest version. If you can walk us through to upgrade our current version is 5.5.
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 10, 2019
ESXi compatibility
Hi, We have two rollouts planned and need confirmation if and when Zerto will support the following versions. ESXi 6.5 U3a – Released 2019-08-20 ESXi 6.7 U3 – Release 2019-08-20 Kind regards Jan
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 10, 2019
Changing IP of vCenter 6.7
Posting on behalf of Dennis A. Hello. We need to change our vCenter IP for security reasons and we were wondering if this would cause any issue on Zerto and if there are any steps we should take before or after the change. Our vCenter is an appliance, 6.7.
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 10, 2019
Migrate to a new ZVM and recovery site
Posting on behalf of Jon R. I have read KB 000001005 but am needing to move to a new ZVM at our recovery site. I feel that the KB mainly focuses on migrating to a new ZVM at a peer site. I have 6 peer sites linked to my target site and 27 VPGs and […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - September 10, 2019
Upgrading Zerto to 7.0u2
Hello, We are getting ready to upgrade our current environment from Version 6.5 u3 to 7.0 u2 and this is the first upgrade we have performed since deployment and I have a couple of question regarding the upgrade documentation. 1) In the document it says: “During an upgrade from v6.5 to v7.0, Repositories that were […]
People: 2
Replies: 5 - September 10, 2019
Is NAT supported with Zerto in AWS?
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