- This forum has 412 topics, 1,101 replies, and was last updated December 4, 2020 by
Yossi A.
- VMware
vSphere Storage Overrides for VRA vmdk’s
We regularly see storage overrides created for our VRA’s in our vsphere datastore clusters. They’re non-disruptive, and every so often we just go through and delete them. This is completely different from the VM overrides and VM/Host groups and rules that govern the VRA’s being powered on and off with the host, and which prevent […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - December 4, 2020
Resizing VM disk
When I grow the VMDK on a protected virtual machine, will the VPG automatically adjust, or do I need to delete and recreate it?
People: 3
Replies: 2 - December 3, 2020
Can ZDP be used in multiple vCenter environments?
I have the following questions due to the limitation of ZDP, which only allows local backup. 3 vCenter environments with 15VMs ZDP license. I would like to configure a running VM backup on each vCenter within 15VMs limit. Is this possible?
People: 1
Replies: 0 - December 1, 2020
Excluding drives from replication
So we have a very large SQL server and we want to the server replicated, but do not require the entire DB drive (its ~ 8 TB) at the DR site. If a DR event ever occurred, we would just add the empty drive to match the drive letter in production and the staff would […]
People: 1
Replies: 3 - November 26, 2020
Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to VRA
Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to VRA with IP x.x.x.x on host xxxxxxx Getting this error for multiple VRA’s
People: 1
Replies: 0 - November 26, 2020
Can one single VM be replicated to multiple VPGs?
Hi, We have a situation where a VM have multiple SLAs and I would like to know if a VM can be replicated to multiple VPGs. I saw about one to many feature but I am not sure if it’s answering my question. Another thing is do we require special license for One to many […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - November 26, 2020
Moving Z-VRA in vCenter
I am trying to organize my vCenter because it sometimes is hard to find certain VMs. And have created a folder for my Zerto machines. But when I try to move the Z-VRAs I have for each host I get the warning message: “Solution Zerto Replication Plugin manages the selected virtual machine. You should not […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - November 16, 2020
How to move the VRA from one datstore to another
Hello, I’m running into issues where i put the host with the VRA into maintenance mode, but once i do it is grayed out and cannot delete or uninstall the VRA so i can re-install on same host but pick a different datastore to mount it to. Is that the correct way of doing this?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - November 16, 2020
change VRA network switch
Dear support, is it possible to change the virtual switch for a VRA? In vCenter, you should not change VRAs, but over Zerto management console it´s only possible to set the virtual switch which should be uses for VRA during installation of the VRA. Once the VRA is setup and you want to edit it, […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - November 16, 2020
VCD 10.2 support
Hi, When can we expect a VCD 10.2 support? cf. https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Director/10.2/rn/VMware-Cloud-Director-102-Release-Notes.html Thanks
People: 2
Replies: 4 - November 11, 2020
Cannot do failover or restore file via ZCM
I have 2 site and install ZVM in both site and also install ZCM . next add both ZVM to ZCM but just can monitor both site via ZCM. for example cannot do failover test / live , Restore file , Move VPG , …….. cannot do any not show anything about these features in […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - November 7, 2020
Protected Storage Error
Hi, I have a VPG which contains 5 VM’s. The protection Status is Not Meeting SLA and the VPG State is Bitmap Syncing (0.0MB / 56.1GB, ETA N/A). It has been in this state for a few hours now. In the VPG, Under Not Meeting SLA, if I click the ?, it tells me the […]
People: 3
Replies: 4 - October 28, 2020
MIgrate VPG to new cluster?
1 vcenter 2 clusters in that vcenter for zerto All datastores zoned to both and are visible same networks exist I need to move the vpg/edit the vpg to now point to the 2nd cluster in order to move to newer hardware. Change recovery vra is not an option as that wont move between due […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 27, 2020
vSphere 7.0 U1 Support
Hello, Which version of Zerto supports vSPhere 7.0 u1? Thank you. Pedro Magalhães
People: 3
Replies: 4 - October 26, 2020
How to troubleshoot connectivity errors
Hey guys, I’m getting frequent error from the ZVM similar to this: <table width=”832″> <tbody> <tr> <td width=”832″>Alert turned on at 4/19/2017 6:15:50 AM: The Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to site XYZ (10.X.XX.XX:9081).</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alert turned on at 4/19/2017 3:24:59 AM: The Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to site XYZ (10.X.XX.XX:9081).</td> […]
People: 2
Replies: 4 - October 19, 2020
vSphere Storage Overrides for VRA vmdk’s
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