- This forum has 412 topics, 1,101 replies, and was last updated December 4, 2020 by Yossi A.
- VMware
VCD 9.5 support
Hello, Can we have an ETA for VCD 9.5 support? It simply does not work (breaking change in API auth). VCD 9.5 is a big milestone, bringing lots of improvement in term of UI and extensibility, so lots of CSP are eager to upgrade to it. TIA
People: 4
Replies: 7 - January 23, 2019
How to check the available license units
We have procured 500+ license for migrating the workload between datacenters and migrated few workloads to target DC, is there any way to check the remaining available license units, which can be used for the future migration?
People: 1
Replies: 0 - January 23, 2019
V2V migration fr vmware esx stanalone (no vcentre)
We have a situation. I have a single ESXi5.5 server with no vcentre. All the vms on it have to be migrated to Hyper-V 2012 R2 environment running SCVMM 2012 R2. Does Zerto support it ? We are using zerto as a migration tool only.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - January 23, 2019
vCloud director 9.5 support
Any idea when Zerto will be certified compatible with Vcloud 9.5? Thanks!
People: 5
Replies: 9 - January 18, 2019
Migrate vm between ESXs during a Test Failover
Hi, We’re running a Test Failover in a vmware platform. The destination is a vmware cluster with 3 ESX. Everything worked fine but if we try to move a vm from one ESX to another ESX, the option appears disabled (migrate; change compute resources only). We can move succesfully other VMs running in the cluster […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - January 16, 2019
Flooding of "Refresh storage information" tasks
hello there! we have vSphere 6.5u2 running and upgraded from Zerto 6.0 to 6.5u2 recently. after zerto upgrade there appear every minute about 5-10 tasks named “Refresh storage information” regarding datastores that are used for replication. With Zerto 6.0 there were none of this tasks flooding the “Recent Tasks” panel in the vSphere Web Client… […]
People: 3
Replies: 3 - January 16, 2019
VPG rollback Error
Hi All, Since upgrading to ZVR 5.5 u4 and vCloud 9.1 we have seen issues around fail over test timing out for VPG’s randomly then roll back failing causing the worse case situation of VPG force delete, stuck VM clean up etc. We are aware of adding time out tweaks and have done so […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - January 16, 2019
Refresh Storage Information
I updated my install a week or two ago to the latest version (6.5 U1 Patch 1). Now in vCenter we constantly have tasks that Zerto is “Refreshing Storage Information”. Is there a way to make this stop? It’s a little noisy, and makes it difficult to take a quick look and track other activity […]
People: 7
Replies: 8 - January 14, 2019
Replication provider to provider
Hi, more than a customer asked us, as CSP using vCD 8.10, to connect and replicate on another vCD of another CSP to have provider’s redundancy. This is not the first request we had, and we don’t have a positive answer from Zerto to this problem. Has anybody in the community found a solution to […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - January 2, 2019
24 Limitation to Offsite Backup
Does anyone else have an issue with their offsite backup failing after 24 hours? I have been working with Support on backup failures for about a month and we finally got everything fix but the issue with VPGs that are over 600 GB fail because they take over 24 hours to backup. How is everyone […]
People: 1
Replies: 1 - December 24, 2018
VM hostname lost after failover
After customer did a failover the VM started on the recovery site without hostname, the IP got changed as was specified on the VPG, but the hostname came empty. Running Zerto version 6.0 Update 3 Patch 2.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - December 21, 2018
Find Orphan / disconnected VMDKs
Is there a method I can use to find VMDKs that are used by Zerto? I found two orphaned VMDKs today accidentally and would love to be able to search my datastores and see if there are others that are not associated with a VPG. I’ll do it manually if I have too I just […]
People: 5
Replies: 4 - December 20, 2018
ZCC Storage VMotion
Can ZCC be moved to a different datastore using storage VMotion?
People: 2
Replies: 1 - December 20, 2018
VMX files
Hi, We’re browsing the replica datastores and we’re able to identify the .vmdk (in Z-VRA-hostname folder) and journal files (in ZertoVolumes folder) . But we are not able to find the .vmx files for each virtual machine. does anyone know where we can find these .vmx files? thanks in advance
People: 2
Replies: 3 - December 17, 2018
Failover RecoverTime much longer than FailoverTest
We have an 11 VM VPG that will become accessible relatively quickly when we run our failover test. When we run an actual failover it takes about 90 minutes for all 11 VMs to come online. Can someone help me understand the different under hood on the recovery site when we run a failover test […]
People: 2
Replies: 2 - December 17, 2018
VCD 9.5 support
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