- This forum has 412 topics, 1,101 replies, and was last updated December 4, 2020 by
Yossi A.
- VMware
Moving a VM to another VPG
Can a VM be moved from one VPG to another and what would be the impact of doing this? Thanks Declan
People: 1
Replies: 0 - October 7, 2020
Find the pre-seed path for each server
I have a need to record the location of the replicated disks of a number of servers before actually moving them from one VPG to another (using pre-seeded disks). Is there a way to get this info?
People: 1
Replies: 0 - October 6, 2020
Update VM DNS after Failover
Does anyone have suggestion on the best way to update dns or AD Object after moving to another datacenter after a failover? I am considering running a post script to force update of servers DNS once on new IP. thanks
People: 2
Replies: 29 - October 6, 2020
ZeRTO volumes folder on datastore
We have a “ZeRTO volumes” folder on several of our datastores with multiple disks residing in them. What is the purpose of this folder and the virtual disks within?
People: 2
Replies: 3 - October 6, 2020
Have to resync vpg if removing a disk?
Hi All, Do we need to resync a VPG if removing a disk? I understand the journal will be reset. We had a VPG in sync then added a disk. Before copying data to it we didn;t mark it as Temp so paused it at 4% or so. We don;t have time to sync the […]
People: 2
Replies: 1 - October 6, 2020
Feature Request – Additional Reboot(s)
I would really like the option to reboot say x amount of times on certain VM’s so that I don’t have to mess with a script. It would be great if the option was available in the UI and I could simply click the option to reboot 1 or 2 additional times once the VM […]
People: 1
Replies: 0 - October 1, 2020
Deploy VRAs as Thin Provisioned on vSAN
Is there a way to deploy VRAs as thin provisioned on vSAN? Is it safe to perform a conversion from thick to thin on the VRA? Do I just need to create a special storage policy for the VRAs? Thanks in advance.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - October 1, 2020
Is it possible to restart a VRA during clone?
We have a VRA that needs more resources but we have two long running offsite clone operations that are occurring that have VMs on that VRA. Will restarting the VRA have an impact on the Clone operation?
People: 1
Replies: 0 - September 28, 2020
Current Journal Size
Does anyone know of an easy way to determine the current journal size for a VM or entire VPG? I’m trying to somehow report on current usage to be proactive before my journal limit alerts go off.
People: 3
Replies: 5 - September 25, 2020
Protection Group Removal Failed
I have a protection group that I can’t edit and I have tried to remove, but get an error: EV0003 Protection Group Removal . Failed: Undo log isn’t empty. Can’t start new transaction.
People: 1
Replies: 2 - September 21, 2020
Just updated to 6.7 Update 3 which just released – but looks like Zerto doesn’t support it?? How can I fix?
People: 1
Replies: 27 - September 17, 2020
Will Zerto work with vVols?
Nobody is using vVols yet, but when people do start to use it (after 6 update 1?) will Zerto work with it?l
People: 7
Replies: 35 - September 17, 2020
PSOD on failover event question
What would happen, if hypothetically, you failover a server.. and then the host it fails over to psods. What would Zerto do in this situation? Would it be stuck in a limbo state?
People: 1
Replies: 0 - September 16, 2020
Physical RDM connected VM
We have few VMs that are running with Phy-RDM , that needs to be migrated from one DC to DC ,Could you please let us know the prcedure to migrate the Physical RDM connected VM.
People: 1
Replies: 0 - September 16, 2020
VRA install error
Hello guys. Has someone seen this error installing VRAs in VMware ESXi 6.5? “Host has no VRA installed and is part of cluster that contains hosts with installed VRAs” see this message. I will try to remove the ESXi server from the vCenter. Try to install Z-VRA. http://postfiles4.naver.net/MjAxOTA4MTlfMjc4/MDAxNTY2MTc5ODY1ODc5.s8Nh3ZkpUmXHEKsYHB2K9Cr8KdqwCStZUIhSV6a4YTog.lRUJckxgQEqAJqLOFt8dQ1V1X6Qet3wk5HO1AhDDwWYg.JPEG.jdavis/SE-f46f0364-a8a5-471d-9cd0-44f793a45714.jpg?type=w580 Our work history below. ESXi have memory […]
People: 1
Replies: 2 - September 15, 2020
Moving a VM to another VPG
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