- This topic has 8 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated April 5, 2017 by
Bill S.
VSPHERE 6.5 Supprort
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Does the current version 5.0 build 050001622 support vSphere 6.5?
Hi Mark,
Not yet, but it is coming! I don’t have a date to share just yet.
Functionally does Zerto work with vSphere 6.5 even if it’s not fully supported ?
Functionally, it does not appear to work. Similar to other unsupported versions, it just defaults to seeing the hosts as their MoRef ID and shows ESXi version 4.0.
Is there any type of workaround for non-production environments for testing?
I’ve had connectivity issues after applying the latest vSphere 6.0 security patches (which seem to bring the ESXi up to version 6.0 U2a). Support team suspected na openssh key exchange issue so I forced the ESXi (/etc/ssh/sshd_conf) into using #KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, and the VRA’s were then able to connect and resume replication.
I am to understand that this is also one of the issues with vSphere 6.5 so you may attempt to override the same setting if you’d like to do testing, but I’m guessing it would probably be best just to wait out until the next ZVR update.
Thanks for posting this in regards to the latest patches you applied and the issues you ran into.
Definitely a great find. I just ran into this in our lab environment after the November security update for 6.0 and this resolved it!
Also ran into this after applying November patches in lab environment for ESXi 6… adding the KexAlgorithms fixed the VRA issues for us as well. Much appreciated for posting.
I thought Zerto provided certified support within 90 days after a new product version release, so I am just curious.