- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated August 8, 2017 by
Harry S.
Clustered RDM's Replication to Azure
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Helllo fello Zerto Admins,
We recently acquired Zerto’s Replication software, for replicating our ESXi on premise hosted workloads, over to Azure for our DR implementation.
Replicating protected VM’s over to Azure is pretty straightforward. Could you please share your ideas on how to handle protected VM’s on ESXi, which comprise a two node Microsoft SQL cluster, using clustered RDM’s. I hafe found some articles where two VPG’s are described, removing the RDM’s from the passive node etc. but I really am looking for a documented accepted procedure for this so all your help will be appreciated.
Our main concern is downtime. Removing RDM’s from the passive node while replicating the VPG containing the active node seems a bit risky.
Hi Dimitrios,
We do not currently support replicating a node from an MSCS cluster to Azure as, like you mentioned, there is a process needed for creating RDM disks within Azure (before replication can even occur for MS Clusters). I’ve heard of some people testing this out, but currently is not a support configuration with ZVR. The concern isn’t really the data, but more the behavior of the VM Operating System (cluster configuration) and the attached disks.
Please see the document titled “MSCS Best Practices – Zerto Virtual Replication” on the Zerto Technical Documentation page within myZerto for more details. This document will also be updated as more configurations of this manner are supported.