• This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated February 1, 2018 by Ralph H.

Disable WAN Compression

  • hi guys

    my customer wants to use some Riverbead WAN Optimization-compression but for what I read WAN Compression can be disabled, I see when I create a VPG is enabled by default, is that Global setting or per VPG, and how to do it either globally o per VPGs


    Hi Carlos,

    Yes – it is possible to disable WAN compression and it is configured on a per VPG basis.

    Navigate to “Edit VPG” and to the “Replication” tab.  You will see in the bottom a checkbox for ‘Enable WAN Traffic Compression’.  Un-check this option for VPGs that you do not want to enable WAN compression.


    same question for silverpeak.   does leaving the wan compression enabled for the vpg if we’re routing though a silver peak make any difference or does it impact adversely replication?


    I will ask product but I am not able to think of a scenario where having WAN compression enabled would adversely affect the replication.

    The only thing a customer may notice is from the appliance the compression ratio may decrease on the traffic we’re sending across the WAN link

    This is just because we’re already compressing it, and then appliance is trying to compress compressed data.

    People may see this and think something is wrong but that is in fact not the case.
    Hope this helps!

    in my case Disable compression was hidden I had to do a tweak as support said in order to have the option to be able to disable it



    OK thanks… to wan compress or not to wan compress, with silverpeak, that is the question.

    I’ve got a couple of the VPG’s not compressed and I will just monitor the process and watch the silverpeak traffic


    That brings up an interesting point.  Have you enabled Zerto Analytics?  I ask because there are some exciting features coming with the 6.0 release (which is next by the way) that may allow you to test and optimize this exact matter.

    More than happy to connect you with our Product Manager Lee if you want to talk more!


    yes enabled and we check online to verify rpo and journaling (@ https://analytics.zerto.com) off the ‘reports’ link for all or specific VPG or VM’s over a time period.  I can only see the RPO and journal reports cause the network report (that we’re waiting for) is not available until release 6.0.

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