- This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated October 1, 2020 by
Chad F.
DNS Pre / Post – Recovery Script:
<b>References:</b>https://www.zrto-dev.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/00000034/<u><b>Disclaimer </b></u><u><b>Warnings:</b></u>
- Pre or Post Recovery Script work on Test or Live Failovers (so consider pulling Script Configs in VPG for Tests)
- Be 100% sure that all DNS references in CSV files are 100% correct at Protection or Recovery Site because the script will delete and create according to what is in the files
<u><b>DNS Automation Instructions:</b></u>- Create Zerto Domain Service account
- Add Service Account to Domain DNS Admin
- Go to Both ZVM’s and update the Zerto Service “Log on” from Local to the newly create Service account
- Create a dir for each VPG on each ZVM’s @ SITE-A and SITE-B Example = c:\zertp\vpgs\colo-vpg-01\
- Create VPG’s
- Configure Pre or Post Recovery with Configuration below to execute the Script on failover
All these scripts and files can be managed remotely with powershell or files shares on the ZVM’s. The script that is triggers is the Script @ you Recovery Site, so if the VPG is going to Site B, the script @ Site B will be executed. Now this is why you use the same directory for each site, when it goes back to Site A it runs the scripts on Site A ZVM and when it goes to Site B it runs the scripts on Site B to update the DNS.<u><b> </b></u><u><b>VPG Configuration</b></u>Command = powershell.exeParamerter = C:\zerto\vpgs\colo-vpg-01\zerto-dns.ps1<b>VPG Pre/Post Recovery Config</b><i>Command </i>= powershell.exe <i>Params </i>= C:\zerto\vpgs\bos-vpg-01\zerto-dns.ps1<u><b>DNSCMD:</b></u>All of this is driven with DNSCMD, you should run all scripts on your ZVM’s to validate functionality. Run dnscmd on your ZVM’s and if you have trouble make sure you have DNS management tools installed. If you also have trouble executing the script or commands locally or from the VPG You may want to check your powershell execution policies as well, i was running in Bypass initially but then moved to RemoteSigned.If you haven’t used DNSCMD before this, I would suggest using example commands below to create and delete records to get comfortable with the commands functionality.#Examples:#Add Record#dnscmd ADServer-01 /recordadd domain.com testing A x.x.x.x#Create PTR#dnscmd ADServer-01 /recordadd reversezone x.x.x.x PTR testing.domain.com#Delete Record#dnscmd ADServer-01 /recorddelete domain.com testing A /f#Delete PTR#dnscmd ADServer-01 /RecordDelete reversezone x.x.x.x PTR testing.domain.com /f#Create Record w/ Files#Import-Csv .\dns-newa.csv | foreach {dnscmd Server-01 /RecordAdd $_.zone $_.hostname A $_.ip}#Create PTR w/ Files#Import-Csv .\dns-newptr.csv | foreach {dnscmd Server-01 /RecordAdd $_.reversezone $_.lowip PTR $_.fqdn}#Delete Record w/ File#Import-Csv .\dns-olda.csv | foreach {dnscmd Server-01 /RecordDelete $_.zone $_.hostname A $_.ip /f}#Delete PTR w/ File#Import-CSV .\dns-oldptr.csv | foreach {dnscmd Server-01 /RecordDelete $_.reversezone $_.lowip PTR $_.fqdn /f}## Set DNS servers$DNSservers= @(“Server-01”, “Server-01”)## Filepath to script and CSV files$FP = “C:\zerto\vpgs\bos-vpg-01”CD $FPForeach($DNSserver in $DNSservers){Import-CSV .\dns-olda.csv | foreach {dnscmd $DNSserver /RecordDelete $_.zone $_.hostname A $_.ip /f}Import-CSV .\dns-newa.csv | foreach {dnscmd $DNSserver /RecordAdd $_.zone $_.hostname A $_.ip}Import-CSV .\dns-oldptr.csv | foreach {dnscmd $DNSserver /RecordDelete $_.reversezone $_.lowip PTR $_.fqdn /f}Import-CSV .\dns-newptr.csv | foreach {dnscmd $DNSserver /RecordAdd $_.reversezone $_.lowip PTR $_.fqdn}}Thanks for all the help from the community members and i hope this helps.Harry SMarch 18, 2017 01:33:59 AMThanks for your contributions, Dan! I hope this is useful for others looking for information.
Follow me: www.twitter.com/HarrySiiiMike HMay 17, 2017 09:32:37 PMGreat post. Zerto’s documentation on post failover script requirements is unclear and their example scripts have errors in them. I was able to configure it successfully using this post.
Dan GMay 19, 2017 08:00:27 PMHey Mike,
Good to hear it! I had a bit of a hard time pulling together what i needed as well so im happy this helped!
Ciaran GJuly 30, 2018 08:06:34 PMDo you have an example of what the .csv file should look like?
Jeffery PAugust 20, 2018 07:22:43 PMAnybody else have any luck with this?
Chad FOctober 1, 2020 04:09:55 PMAny new updates on this or different way to tackle it with V7.5 or v8?
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