- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated October 28, 2020 by
Deepak V.
Info about Zerto for Kubernetes
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How do I find out more information about Zerto for Kubernetes?
We have a number of pieces of useful content such as a whitepapers, blogs and even an ESG survey all available at https://www.zrto-dev.com/zerto-for-kubernetes/
You can also catch an on-demand replay of the Z4K session done during the Zerto 8.5 launch at https://www.zrto-dev.com/page/zerto-launch-event-on-demand/
Zerto for Kubernetes is currently in Early Technical Preview, you can apply to be part of the early adopter program or by directly going to https://www.zrto-dev.com/early-adopter-program-zerto-for-kubernetes/?inid=zerto-for-kubernetes_ms_to_early-adopter-program_lp . Participation is subject to approval depending to the answers to quick environment survey questionnaire as part of the sign up.
We plan on having both hands-on labs and beta version available soon. Stay tuned.