- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated October 30, 2018 by
Ryan S.
New vCenters and uninstall question.
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We are about to upgrade our VMware infrastructure, and have decided that we are not going to upgrade the vCenter appliances, but replace them with new ones. From the documentation that I found this requires us to tear down our Zerto installation and then rebuild it after the new vCenters are up and everything has been migrated over.
I have removed the VPG’s, and deleted the ZVA’s already. I broke the link between the ZVM’s and ran the uninstall (since there is a newer version available). After the uninstall there is a C:\Program Files\ Zerto… folder structure left over that is over 2Gb in size. Can I delete that, or should I keep it? If all it is is remnants I don’t necessarily need them, and I can start over fresh. However if it will make things easier during the re-install I don’t mind keeping it.
Hi Mike,
I suspect those are just datastore remnants left over from the uninstall and you can delete if you don’t need them.
Perhaps worth double checking with your account team tho.
Hope this helps