• This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated June 18, 2020 by Contara T.

Query on Replication

  • Could you please confirm if the changes are constantly replicated to between Sites in real time? So if there was an issue with a server in one site, the replicated version in other site may have the same issues if we fail over?


    Contara from Zerto Support.

    Could you please confirm if the changes are constantly replicated to between Sites in real-time?

    [Contara] Yes

    So if there was an issue with a server in one site, the replicated version in other site may have the same issues if we fail over?

    [Contara] Yes and No.

    For example:

    The VPG Journal History is set to 1 day. Base of this setting VPG has 24 hours of checkpoints.

    Let’s say at 12:00 PM the server VM hit by a virus:

    • Any checkpoints after 12:00 PM is bad checkpoints due to a Virus.
    • Any checkpoints before 11:59 AM are good checkpoints.
    • When you do a FailOver Live you want to use a checkpoint from 12:00 AM to 11:59 AM.

    Thank you.




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