- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated May 5, 2020 by
Contara T.
Question about test failover
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I have heard and read some conflicting information about zerto failover. Later this year we are planning to have a DR test. We will need to bring online some servers we replicate with zerto online in Azure to verify applicaiton work. I was infomed to perfrom an actual failover but there some who say this is what the test failover is for. which should i use.
our goal will be to bring online about a dozen servers for about 6hours then end the test.
Contara from Zerto Support.
The Test FailOver
It doesn’t haveĀ “Commit Policy”, “VM Shutdown” and “Reverse Protection” options.
See page 10 explain what is “The Failover Test Operation”.
The Live FailOver has “Commit Policy”, “VM Shutdown” and “Reverse Protection” options.
See page 275.
Thank you.