- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated May 2, 2016 by
Florian P.
Use of Zerto beyond Enterprise
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Bit of Background to begin:
I work for a UK based ISP and we are about to embark on vCloud version 2 platform using/selling Zerto with the Customer VM’s for resilience and security. (Good plan? Aye we think it is) now here is where the issue comes into play. We have Zerto in use protecting our Estate and when something goes wrong we get an alert to suggest there is an issue. However when a Customers Zerto VM goes wrong, or it fails over for either testing or live we also get an alert.
Here’s the question:
How can we setup Zerto and the alerting features so it will scale beyond Enterprise to support an ISP without all the Alarm Noise yet still maintain the security and agile implementations/methods that we have come to appreciate with use of Zerto?
I would recommend configuring the vCenter alarms (if using vCenter) instead of the Zerto alerts within the Zerto GUI (if this is how you have it setup currently). This will give you more controller on what alerts you would like to receive and which groups should receive each of the alerts. The following KB article should be able to help you: