• This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated January 23, 2019 by Justin N.

VCD 9.5 support

  • Hello,

    Can we have an ETA for VCD 9.5 support?

    It simply does not work (breaking change in API auth).

    VCD 9.5 is a big milestone, bringing lots of improvement in term of UI and extensibility, so lots of CSP are eager to upgrade to it.


    Hey David,

    Zerto has a standard plan of supporting new versions of VCD within 90 days of their GA release.  If I recall, VCD 9.5 was GA in early October so hopefully, that means December timeframe for support.

    Of course, this is all subject to change, but our team is still working on meeting this planned goal so please do keep a look out for further updates.


    Hi David –

    Zerto Engineering is working closely with the VMWare vCloud Director engineering group towards supporting 9.5. There were some pretty significant changes that unfortunately delayed our typical prompt support. Every release is a bit different of course, which is why we communicate our standard support details as Ryan had mentioned. Please do be on the lookout as we are actively pursuing this as we are aware of our users’ eagerness to move to this new VCD version.




    ZVM 6.5U2 is out, and appears to not support VCD 9.5.0.

    Do you know if we have to wait another update, or will it be supported within a patch release (I guess quicker than an update)?

    Thanks in advance.

    That is correct, our team is still working on supporting this new VCD version. This will likely be part of a future 6.5 update and details will be included in the release notes for that version.

    Over 120 days since VCD9.5 was released.  Any ETA?

    ZVR 6.5_U3 :

    • VMware vCD 9.5 now supported



    Hi David – My apologies as I had updated on this thread however did not update here. Thank you for reading the release notes by the way – it is very important and I am very glad to see they were reviewed  🙂

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