• This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated January 31, 2019 by Mike T.

vSphere 6.7 U1 support

  • Hello,
    Does Zerto support vSphere 6.7 U1? Are the any problems?

    There is a new update to Zerto released within the past month, maybe give it a try

    Also are you saying the ZRA is not installing or the ZVM is not installing. If the ZRA is not installing make sure your not in ESXi lockdown mode and that SSH is enabled on the host during the install. Also use the ESXi root password not an AD account if you host is joined to AD and if your using the ‘ESXi Admins’ Group or some other AD group to authenticate to ESXi.



    Thank you again for taking the time to answer, much appreciated! So the issue is with installation of the Z-VRA. The manager is up and running, connects to vCenter and is able to see the ESXi host properly. I had the SSH enabled and the lock down mode was disabled. Once again the 6.7 setup was exactly the same as my 6.5 is now.




    Have you seen this https://www.zrto-dev.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/vra-upgradeinstallation-fails-basic-troubleshooting/

    Are you using DHCP or Static IP – Static is prefered

    I have been able to install on esxi6.7u1 with vCenter 6.5u1 not supported but mine worked. I only did that as a temporary soultion prior to a vCenter replacment.


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