- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated May 22, 2020 by
Contara T.
Zerto data encryption
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I would like to learn Zerto using data encryption or not ?
I read https://www.zrto-dev.com/myzerto/knowledge-base/zerto-data-encryption/ this document, but I hope new versions can data encryption or on the road map
Contara from Zerto Support.
The latest document in 8.0 still mentions on page 20.
Communication across networks can be encrypted using network encryption software such as VPN
and IPsec. Zerto does not natively encrypt data across the WAN.
Zerto recommends segregating management and replication traffic from the rest of the network, in
order to mitigate any unknown vulnerabilities.
Please submit a feature request for “Zerto Data Encryption”
Regarding the Zerto road map, please contact your Zerto Account team for the information.
Thank you.